【解説】【MQL5 community】 Fourier Extrapolator of Price : ここでは、multi-harmonic (or multi-tone) trigonometric model を用いて、次のように価格の変化を捉える.
x[i] = m + Sum( a[h]*Cos(w[h]*i) + b[h]*Sin(w[h]*i), h=1..H )
■x[i] - past price at i-th bar, total n past prices
■m - bias
■a[h] and b[h] - scaling coefficients of harmonics
■w[h] - frequency of a harmonic
■h - harmonic number
■H - total number of fitted harmonics
移動平均と同様に使用でき、 ラインを上抜けしたら、「買い」、下抜けしたら「売り」。 上昇基調になりそうな(移動平均が右肩上がり)場合のトレンドを把握することができる。
//+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Fourier_Extrapolator_of_Price.mq5 | //| Copyright 2010, gpwr | //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #property copyright "gpwr" #property version "1.00" #property description "Extrapolation of open prices by trigonometric (multitone) model" #property indicator_chart_window #property indicator_buffers 2 #property indicator_plots 2 //--- future model outputs #property indicator_label1 "Modeled future" #property indicator_type1 DRAW_LINE #property indicator_color1 Red #property indicator_style1 STYLE_SOLID #property indicator_width1 1 //--- past model outputs #property indicator_label2 "Modeled past" #property indicator_type2 DRAW_LINE #property indicator_color2 Blue #property indicator_style2 STYLE_SOLID #property indicator_width2 1 //Global constants #define pi 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592 //===================================== INPUTS =========================================== input int Npast =300; // # of past bars, to which trigonometric series is fitted input int Nfut =50; // # of predicted future bars input int Nharm =20; // # of harmonics in model input double FreqTOL =0.00001; // Tolerance of frequency calculations // Global variables int N; // Indicator buffers double ym[],xm[]; // Custom indicator initialization function ---------------------------------------------+ void OnInit() { // Initialize global variables N=MathMax(Npast,Nfut+1); // Map indicator buffers ArraySetAsSeries(xm,true); ArraySetAsSeries(ym,true); SetIndexBuffer(0,ym,INDICATOR_DATA); SetIndexBuffer(1,xm,INDICATOR_DATA); IndicatorSetInteger(INDICATOR_DIGITS,_Digits); IndicatorSetString(INDICATOR_SHORTNAME,"Fourier("+string(Npast)+")"); PlotIndexSetInteger(0,PLOT_SHIFT,Nfut); } //====================================== MAIN ============================================ int OnCalculate(const int rates_total, const int prev_calculated, const datetime& Time[], const double& Open[], const double& High[], const double& Low[], const double& Close[], const long& tick_volume[], const long& volume[], const int& spread[]) { // Check for insufficient data if(rates_total<Npast) { Print("Error: not enough bars in history!"); return(0); } // Initialize indicator buffers to EMPTY_VALUE ArrayInitialize(xm,EMPTY_VALUE); ArrayInitialize(ym,EMPTY_VALUE); // Make all prices available MqlRates rates[]; ArraySetAsSeries(rates,true); if(CopyRates(NULL,0,0,Npast,rates)<=0) return(0); // Main cycle ---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // Prepare input data double x[]; ArrayResize(x,Npast); double av=0; for(int i=0;i<Npast;i++) { x[i]=rates[i].open; av+=x[i]; } av/=Npast; // Initialize model outputs for(int i=0;i<N;i++) { xm[i]=av; if(i<=Nfut) ym[i]=av; } // Fit trigonometric model and calculate predictions for(int harm=1;harm<=Nharm;harm++) { double w,m,a,b; Freq(x,Npast,w,m,a,b); for(int i=0;i<N;i++) { xm[i]+=m+a*MathCos(w*i)+b*MathSin(w*i); if(i<=Nfut) ym[Nfut-i]+=m+a*MathCos(w*i)-b*MathSin(w*i); } } return(rates_total); } //==================================== FUNCTIONS ========================================= // Quinn and Fernandes algorithm for finding frequency ----------------------------------+ void Freq(double& x[],int n,double& w,double& m,double& a,double& b) { double z[]; ArrayResize(z,n); double alpha=0.0; double beta=2.0; z[0]=x[0]-xm[0]; while(MathAbs(alpha-beta)>FreqTOL) { alpha=beta; z[1]=x[1]-xm[1]+alpha*z[0]; double num=z[0]*z[1]; double den=z[0]*z[0]; for(int i=2;i<n;i++) { z[i]=x[i]-xm[i]+alpha*z[i-1]-z[i-2]; num+=z[i-1]*(z[i]+z[i-2]); den+=z[i-1]*z[i-1]; } beta=num/den; } w=MathArccos(beta/2.0); TrigFit(x,n,w,m,a,b); } // Least-squares fitting of trigonometric series ----------------------------------------+ void TrigFit(double& x[],int n,double w,double& m,double& a,double& b) { double Sc =0.0; double Ss =0.0; double Scc=0.0; double Sss=0.0; double Scs=0.0; double Sx =0.0; double Sxc=0.0; double Sxs=0.0; for(int i=0;i<n;i++) { double c=MathCos(w*i); double s=MathSin(w*i); double dx=x[i]-xm[i]; Sc +=c; Ss +=s; Scc+=c*c; Sss+=s*s; Scs+=c*s; Sx +=dx; Sxc+=dx*c; Sxs+=dx*s; } Sc /=n; Ss /=n; Scc/=n; Sss/=n; Scs/=n; Sx /=n; Sxc/=n; Sxs/=n; if(w==0.0) { m=Sx; a=0.0; b=0.0; } else { // calculating a, b, and m double den=MathPow(Scs-Sc*Ss,2)-(Scc-Sc*Sc)*(Sss-Ss*Ss); a=((Sxs-Sx*Ss)*(Scs-Sc*Ss)-(Sxc-Sx*Sc)*(Sss-Ss*Ss))/den; b=((Sxc-Sx*Sc)*(Scs-Sc*Ss)-(Sxs-Sx*Ss)*(Scc-Sc*Sc))/den; m=Sx-a*Sc-b*Ss; } }
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