/* 身長および体重のデータファイルの合計(sum),平均(mean)、 分散(variance)、 標準偏差(standard deviation), 歪度(skewness),)尖度(kurtosis),最小(minimum),最大(maximum), 第1四分位点(1st qrt),中央値(median),第3四分位点(3rd qrt), 共分散(covariance),相関係数(correlation coefficient) を求めるプログラム データ: data1.txt */ #include#include #include #define N 10 void inputdata(int num[],double x[],double y[],double z[],int n); void calc_index(double x[],int n,char c[]); double sum(double x[],int n); double mean(double x[],int n); double variance(double x[],int n); double stndv(double x[],int); double skewness(double x[],int n); double kurtosis(double x[],int n); void sort1(double x[],double y[],int n); void quartile(double x[],double y[],int n,double *min,double *max, double *q1,double *med,double *q3); double covar(double x[],double y[],int n); double correl(double x[],double y[],int n); main() { int num[N]; double x[N],y[N],z[N]; char c[80]; double covxy,rxy; inputdata(num,x,y,z,N); strcpy(c,"Hight"); calc_index(x,N,c); strcpy(c,"Weight"); calc_index(y,N,c); covxy=covar(x,y,10); rxy=correl(x,y,10); strcpy(c,"Hight and Weight"); printf("\nCovariance and Correlation Coefficient:Variables:%s\n",c); printf("Covariance:%10.5f Correlation Coefficient:%10.5f\n",covxy,rxy); } void calc_index(double x[],int n,char c[]) { double xsum,xmean,xvar,xstndv,xskew,xkur,xmin,xmax,xq1,xmed,xq3,xsort[N]; xsum=sum(x,n); xmean=mean(x,n); xvar=variance(x,n); xstndv=stndv(x,n); xskew=skewness(x,n); xkur=kurtosis(x,n); quartile(x,xsort,n,&xmin,&xmax,&xq1,&xmed,&xq3); printf("\nStatiatics of Variable:%s \n",c); printf("Sum:%10.3f Mean:%10.3f Variance:%10.3f Std Dev:%10.3f Skewness:%10.5f,Kurtosis:%10.5f\n",xsum,xmean,xvar,xstndv,xskew,xkur); printf("Minimun:%10.3f Maximum:%10.3f 1st Qrt%10.3f Mediam%10.3f,3rd Qrt%10.3f\n\n",xmin,xmax,xq1,xmed,xq3); } void inputdata(int num[],double x[],double y[],double z[],int n) { int a1,i; double a2,a3,a4; FILE *fdata; fdata=fopen("data1.txt","r"); for(i=0;i<=9;i++) { fscanf(fdata,"%d%lf%lf%lf",&a1,&a2,&a3,&a4); num[i]=a1; x[i]=a2; y[i]=a3; z[i]=a4; } fclose(fdata); } double sum(double x[],int n) {int i; double a; a=0; for(i=0;i<=n-1;i++)a=a+x[i]; return a; } double mean(double x[],int n) {double a,b; a=sum(x,n); b=a/n; return b; } double variance(double x[],int n) {double a,b,c; int i; a=mean(x,n); b=0; for(i=0;i<=n-1;i++)b=b+pow(x[i]-a,2); c=b/(n-1); return c; } double stndv(double x[],int n) {double a,b; a=variance(x,n); b=sqrt(a); return b; } double skewness(double x[],int n) {double a,b,c,d; int i; a=mean(x,n); b=stndv(x,n); c=0; for(i=0;i<=n-1;i++)c=c+pow(x[i]-a,3); d=c*n/(pow(b,3)*(n-1)*(n-2)); return d; } double kurtosis(double x[],int n) {double a,b,c,d; int i; a=mean(x,n); b=stndv(x,n); c=0; for(i=0;i<=n-1;i++)c=c+pow(x[i]-a,4); d=c*n*(n+1)/(pow(b,4)*(n-1)*(n-2)*(n-3)); d=d-3.0*pow((n-1),2)/((n-2)*(n-3)); return d; } void sort1(double x[],double y[],int n) {int change,i; double a; for(i=0;i<=n-1;i++)y[i]=x[i]; do{ change = 0; for(i=0;i<=n-2;i++) if(y[i]>y[i+1]) {change=1; a=y[i]; y[i]=y[i+1]; y[i+1]=a;}} while(change ==1); } void quartile(double x[],double y[],int n,double *min,double *max,double *q1,double *med,double *q3) { int i,j1,j2; sort1(x,y,n); *min=y[0]; *max=y[n-1]; i=n%2; if(i!=0)*med=y[(n+1)/2-1]; else*med=(y[n/2-1]+y[n/2])/2; i=n%4; j1=n/4; j2=3*n/4; if(i!=0){*q1=y[j1]; *q3=y[j2];} else{*q1=(y[j1-1]+y[j1])/2; *q3=(y[j2-1]+y[j2])/2; } } double covar(double x[],double y[],int n) { double xa,ya,a,b; int i; xa=mean(x,n); ya=mean(y,n); a=0; for(i=0;i<=9;i++)a=a+(x[i]-xa)*(y[i]-ya); b=a/(n-1); return b; } double correl(double x[],double y[],int n) { double covxy,xstndv,ystndv,a; covxy=covar(x,y,n); xstndv=stndv(x,n); ystndv=stndv(y,n); a=covxy/(xstndv*ystndv); return a; }
Statiatics of Variable:Hight Sum: 1643.000 Mean: 164.300 Variance: 60.900 Std Dev: 7.804 Skewness: 0.06354,Kurtosis: -1.21001 Minimun: 153.000 Maximum: 175.000 1st Qrt 158.000 Mediam 163.000,3rd Qrt 170.000 Statiatics of Variable:Weight Sum: 546.000 Mean: 54.600 Variance: 61.378 Std Dev: 7.834 Skewness: 0.50070,Kurtosis: -0.55863 Minimun: 44.000 Maximum: 69.000 1st Qrt 48.000 Mediam 53.500,3rd Qrt 61.000 Covariance and Correlation Coefficient:Variables:Hight and Weight Covariance: 45.13333 Correlation Coefficient: 0.73822
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