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1989 | 1988 | 1987 | 1986 | 1985 | 1984 | 1983 | 1982 | 1981 | 1980 |
1979 | 1978 | 1977 | 1976 | 1975 | 1974 | 1973 | 1972 |
進化ゲーム理論は, Maynard Smith and Price (1973) から始まったとされている.
Nash均衡よりも強い進化的に安定な戦略(Evolutionary Stable Strategy, ESS) の概念を提示して, 生物のゲーム的状況において自然淘汰が働く動学的進化プロセスの安定状態を分析した.
この論文が発表されてから, 様々な研究が行われている. 具体的には次の通りである.
(1) 均衡点の精緻化(refinements of equilibrium points)
このESSはNash均衡条件と漸近安定条件から成り立っていることが知られている(Bishop and Cannings (1976)).
このようにESSを特徴づける研究を均衡点の精緻化と呼ばれているが, この研究として, Bomze(1986), van Damme (1987, 1991)が挙げられる.
例えば 完全均衡(perfect equilibrium, ある一定の確率で非合理的な選択をする, Selten (1975)), プロパー均衡(proper equilibrium, ロバストネス(robustness) の考え方, Myerson (1978) ) との関連やESSとは少し異なる新たな均衡概念として, Swinkels (1992), Thomas (1985)は Evolutionary Stable Set (ES) を提案している.
さらにはESSの個数は有限であるなどESSの集合の構造についても調べられている( Haigh(1975) ).
Taylor and Jonker (1978) はReplicator 方程式という自然淘汰が働く動学的進化プロセス, ESSへの収束するプロセスを示した微分方程式を提示した.
このReplicator方程式自体の性質や安定性(大域, 局所), パーマネンスに関してもすでに多くのことが知られている.
また離散時間のReplicator方程式についての研究も行われている(Nachbar (1990)).
よってこの方程式に関する研究としては, ノイズ(Noise, 最適からのズレ), ドリフト(Drift)を導入する研究やカオスなどの非線形微分方程式に関することになる.
ノイズに関する研究では, 伊藤の公式を用いて均衡選択を研究した Fudenberg and Harris (1992), 決定論ノイズを導入し, 最後通告ゲーム(Ultimatum game) において公平な取引の発生を説明した Gale, et al. (1995), Binmore, Samuelson and Vaughan (1995),
Birth-Deathプロセスで考察した Binmore and Samuelson (1997), ドリフトについては, Binmore and Samuelson (1994), ドリフトによる均衡選択の問題を分析した Binmore and Samuelson (1999) などがある.
非線形微分方程式に関する研究では, 3本のReplicator方程式があれば, カオスが発生することが知られている. この流れの研究として, Chawanya (1995, 1996)があり, ゲーム力学系と呼ばれている. その他 Hashimoto and Ikegami(2001a,2001b), Tachikawa(2003a,2003b)もある.
さらに方程式の数を増やし, 複雑系(complex system) の研究としても行われている.
特にRandom行列を用いた研究として Diederich and Opper (1989),
Chawanya and Tokita (2002) などがある.
ちなみにこのReplicator方程式は個体群動態(Population Dynamics) の基本方程式であるLotka-Volterra方程式と位相同型であるので, 生物学者にとって扱いやすい方程式の1つである.
例えば Losert and Akin(1983)では対称2人ゲームの枠組みにおいて, 生物学の基本的な結果であるFisherの第1定理を導いている.
また Page and Nowak (2002) では, Price の公式のReplicator-Mutator 方程式の同値性を示している.
(3) 確率的進化ゲーム理論(Stochastic Evolutionary Game Theory)
Kandori(神取), Mailath and Rob (1993), Young (1993) は摂動付きの有限Markov連鎖を用いて, 確率的進化ゲーム理論(stochastic evolutionary game theory) を定式化した.
その後Kandori, et al.は2×2のゲームであったが, Kandori and Rob (1995)はこれをn×nのゲームに一般化した.
そこで「ノイズ」という概念を少し変更し, 内生化した研究に,
Bergin and Lipman (1996), van Damme and Weibull (2001), Maruta (2002)がある.
一様ではないノイズに Robels (1998), Sandholm and Pausner (1998)がある.
また Burdzy, Frankel and Pauzner (2001) ではコーディネーションゲームに利得が変化, ノイズを入れ, 均衡選択を分析した.
さらに Logitモデル(限定合理性)として研究した Blume (2003)があり, Probitモデル(限定合理性)として研究した Myatt and Wallace (2003)がある.
進化ゲーム理論ではランダムマッチング(random matching) を仮定しているが, 局所的な相互作用を考えた Ellison (1993), Anderlini and Ianni (1996), Araki and Low (2000), Anwar (2001), Ely (2002)などがある.
また出生・死亡(birth-dealth)過程で進化ゲーム理論の枠組みを構築した Amir and Berninghaus (1996) などもある.
(4) 最適応答反応(Best Response Dynamics), 完全予想動学(Perfect Forsight Dynamics)
最適応答反応(Best Response Dynamics)はGilboa and Matsui (1991) によって提案された
連続時間, 連続無限人の近視眼的プレーヤーによるモデルである.
これに予想を行うことを付け加えたのが, 完全予想動学(Perfect Forsight Dynamics) であり, 均衡選択を研究した Matsui and Matsuyama (1995)がある.
Kim (1996), Hofbauer and Sorger (1999, 2002), p-dominance との関連を研究した Oyama (2002)がある.
(5) チープトーク(Cheap Talk)
チープトーク(Cheap Talk, 費用なしの情報交換) の研究については, Matsui(1991), Warneryd (1991), Sobel(1993), Warneryd(1993), Blume, Kim and Sobel (1993), Kim and sobel (1995), Bhaskar(1998), Hurkens and Schlag(2003)がある.
またこれらとは少し異なる Replicator方程式を使用し, チープトークについて研究した
(6) 有限人口(Finite Population)
このゲームでゲームの参加者は無限に近い有限(無限として記述しているもの多いが, その場合は数学的記述が間違いとなる. 本質は大数の法則が成り立つか否かである.)である.そのため確率的にゆらぎがある場合として, 取り上げられコーディネーション型のゲームの均衡選択に使われることが多い.
具体的には Schaffer (1988), Tanaka (2000a) はKMR-Y (1993)を有限人口を用いて定式化し,
Nowak, et al. (2004) はMoran Processを用いて, 繰り返し囚人のジレンマゲームを分析している.
(7) Axelrod Simulation
Axelrod(1984) 関連の研究としては主にシミュレーションによるアプローチである.
そこで記憶期間, 学習の問題などを考慮に入れ, より人間の知能に近づけた場合の問題を研究している.
(8) 空間構造(Spatial Structure)
Axelrod(1984)にも記述があるが, 格子モデルで考えた進化ゲーム理論も存在する.
Nowak and May (1992, 1993).
(9) Matching
進化ゲーム理論における大人数(Large Population)の解釈の多くは主体はランダムマッチング(random matching)するという仮定のもとでのゲームであった.
それが成り立たない場合の研究として, Bergstrom and Stark (1993),
Bergstrom (2003)はAssortative Matching(選り好みマッチング) により, 囚人のジレンマの回避を導いた. またそのサーベイとして, Bergstrom (2002) がある.
生物学では群淘汰(group selection) の議論につながる.
またランダムマッチングするという仮定のもとであっても, マッチング回数が少ない場合の研究も考察することができる.
Robson and Vega-Redondo (1996)では, リスク・ドミナントではなく Pareto効率的な均衡が選択されることを示した.
(11) Risk
Robson (1996a, b), Dekel and Scotchmer (1999)
Robson (2001)は良いサーベイとなっている.
(12) Indirect Evolutionary Approach
Guth (1995), Guth and Yaari (1992)から始まったとされている。
Guth and Kliemt (1998),
Huck and Oechssler (1999),
Guth and Peleg (2001),
Berninghaus, Korth and Napel (2007)
Journal of Economic Theory, Volume 97, Issue 2, Pages 225-369 (April 2001)では特集が組まれている。
(13) Experiment
実験を説明する理論として, 進化ゲーム理論が用いられるが, Roth and Erev (1995) では, . Van Huyck et al.(1997) では, Coordinationゲームを取り上げている. また Cason, et al. (2002) ではタカ=ハトゲームの構造をしている2人の間で行われる公共財の供給ゲーム(2ステージからなる)について日本とアメリカで実験している.
(14) Application
経済学の応用に関して書かれている論文として, Friedman (1991), Kandori (1997) が有名である.
Cournot市場の進化ゲーム理論の考え方を応用した論文にVega-Redondo(1997)がある. この論文を基礎にして, Huck, Normann, and Oechssler (2004)は失敗が協調を導くとし, Alos-Ferrer(2004)ではメモリーの問題を, Baron, Durieu, Haller, and Solal (2004) では適応学習を用いて考察している. また寡占市場を有限人口の観点から行った研究として, Tanaka (1999, 2000b, 2001)がある.
Sandholm (2001)ではPotential Game に
共有資源のゲームに進化ゲーム理論を応用した研究として, Sethi and Somanathan (1996) がある. Noailly, et al. (2003), Noailly, et al. (2007), Noailly (2008), Noailly, et al. (2009)
進化ゲーム理論を応用したファイナンス理論として, 川西(2008), Shapiro (2009)などがある.
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1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 |
1989 | 1988 | 1987 | 1986 | 1985 | 1984 | 1983 | 1982 | 1981 | 1980 |
1979 | 1978 | 1977 | 1976 | 1975 | 1974 | 1973 | 1972 |
- Dong-Mei Shi, Yong Zhuang, Bing-Hong Wang : ''Effect of depreciation of the public goods in spatial public goods games,'' Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, doi:10.1016/j.physa.2011.10.006. [HP]
- Qian Zhuang, Dong Wang, Ying Fan, Zengru Di : ''Evolution of cooperation in a heterogeneous population with influential individuals,'' Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, doi:10.1016/j.physa.2011.10.009. [HP]
- Matthijs van Veelen and Martin Nowak : ''Multi-player games on the cycle,'' Journal of Theoretical Biology, doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2011.08.031. [HP]
- Harmen de Weerd and Rineke Verbrugge : ''Evolution of altruistic punishment in heterogeneous populations,'' Journal of Theoretical Biology, doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2011.08.034. [HP]
- Mariana Lozada, Paola D’Adamo and Miguel Angel Fuentes : ''Beneficial effects of human altruism,'' Journal of Theoretical Biology, doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2011.08.016. [HP]
- Jozsef Garaya and Zoltan Varga : ''Survivor’s dilemma: Defend the group or flee?,'' Journal of Theoretical Biology, doi:10.1016/j.tpb.2011.08.003. [HP]
- Ross Cressman, Jie-Wen Song, Bo-Yu Zhang and Yi Tao : ''Cooperation and evolutionary dynamics in the public goods game with institutional incentives,'' Journal of Theoretical Biology, doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2011.07.030. [HP]
- Matthijs van Veelen, Julian Garcia, Maurice W. Sabelis and Martijn Egas : ''Group selection and inclusive fitness are not equivalent; the Price equation vs. models and statistics,'' Journal of Theoretical Biology, doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2011.07.025. [HP]
- Zhi-Hua Li : ''Lifetime and fitness: Life process in spatial prisoner’s dilemma game,'' Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, doi:10.1016/j.physa.2011.07.045. [HP]
- Tatsuya Sasaki and Tatsuo Unemi : ''Replicator dynamics in public goods games with reward funds,'' Journal of Theoretical Biology, doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2011.07.026. [HP]
- Robert A. Laird : ''Green-beard effect predicts the evolution of traitorousness in the two-tag Prisoner’s Dilemma,'' Journal of Theoretical Biology, doi:10.1016/j.physa.2011.07.025. [HP]
- Qi-Qing Song, Zhen-Peng Li, Chang-He Fu and Lai-Sheng Wang : ''Optional contributions have positive effects for volunteering public goods games,'' Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, doi:10.1016/j.physa.2011.07.025. [HP]
- Luciano Andreozzi : ''Property rights and investments: An evolutionary approach,'' Games and Economic Behavior, doi:10.1016/j.geb.2011.07.001. [HP]
- Ryoji Sawa : ''Mutation rates and equilibrium selection under stochastic evolutionary dynamics,'' International Journal of Game Theory, DOI: 10.1007/s00182-011-0299-1. [HP]
- Burton Simon, Jeffrey A. Fletcher and Michael Doebeli : ''Hamilton's rule in multi-level selection models,'' Journal of Theoretical Biology, doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2011.07.014. [HP]
- Shinsuke Suzuki and Hiromichi Kimura : ''Oscillatory dynamics in the coevolution of cooperation and mobility,'' Journal of Theoretical Biology, doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2011.07.019. [HP]
- Jeromos Vukov, Francisco C. Santos and Jorge M. Pacheco : ''Escaping the tragedy of the commons via directed investments,'' Journal of Theoretical Biology, doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2011.07.022. [HP]
- Pierre Buesser, Jorge Pena, Enea Pestelacci and Marco Tomassini : ''The influence of tie strength on evolutionary games on networks: An empirical investigation,'' Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, doi:10.1016/j.physa.2011.07.021. [HP]
- Angelo Antoci, Simone Borghesi and Marcello Galeotti : ''Environmental options and technological innovation: an evolutionary game model,'' Journal of Evolutionary Economics, DOI: 10.1007/s00191-011-0238-0. [HP]
- Chunyan Zhang, Jianlei Zhang, Guangming Xie and Long Wang : ''Effects of encounter in a population of spatial prisoner’s dilemma players,'' Theoretical Population Biology, doi:10.1016/j.tpb.2011.06.007. [HP]
- Lili Denga, Wansheng Tang and Jianxiong Zhang : ''The coevolutionay ultimatum game on different network topologies,'' Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, doi:10.1016/j.physa.2011.06.076. [HP]
- Tadeusz Platkowski and Jan Zakrzewski : ''Asymptotically stable equilibrium and limit cycles in the Rock-paper-scissors game in population of players with complex personalities,'' Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, doi:10.1016/j.physa.2011.06.041. [HP]
- Cheng-yi Xia, Zhi-qin Ma, Yi-ling Wang, Jin-song Wang and Zeng-qiang Chen : ''Enhancement of cooperation in prisoner’s dilemma game on weighted lattices,'' Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, doi:10.1016/j.physa.2011.06.064. [HP]
- Manuela A.D. Aguiar : ''Is there switching for replicator dynamics and bimatrix games?,'' Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, doi:10.1016/j.physd.2011.06.016. [HP]
- Emin Dokumaci and William H. Sandholm : ''Large deviations and multinomial probit choice,'' Journal of Economic Theory, doi:10.1016/j.jet.2011.06.013. [HP]
- Xiu-Lian Xu, Chun-Hua Fu, Hui Chang and Da-Ren He : ''An evolution model of complex systems with simultaneous cooperation and competition,'' Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, doi:10.1016/j.physa.2011.06.024. [HP]
- Russell Golman : ''Quantal response equilibria with heterogeneous agents,'' Journal of Economic Theory, doi:10.1016/j.jet.2011.06.007. [HP]
- Marco Archetti and Istvan Scheuring : ''Review: Game Theory of Public Goods in One-Shot Social Dilemmas without Assortment,'' Journal of Theoretical Biology, doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2011.06.018. [HP]
- Christoph Hauert and Lorens A. Imhof : ''Evolutionary games in deme structured, finite populations,'' Journal of Theoretical Biology, doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2011.06.010. [HP]
- Rick Durrett and Daniel Remenik : ''Evolution of dispersal distance,'' Journal of Mathematical Biology, DOI: 10.1007/s00285-011-0444-2. [HP]
- Matthijs van Veelen : ''Robustness against indirect invasions,'' Games and Economic Behavior, doi:10.1016/j.geb.2011.05.010. [HP]
- Cars H. Hommes and Marius I. Ochea : ''Multiple equilibria and limit cycles in evolutionary games with Logit Dynamics,'' Games and Economic Behavior, doi:10.1016/j.geb.2011.05.014. [HP]
- Yuanshi Wang, Hong Wu and Shigui Ruan : ''Periodic orbits near heteroclinic cycles in a cyclic replicator system,'' Journal of Mathematical Biology, DOI: 10.1007/s00285-011-0435-3. [HP]
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- Ingela Algera and Jorgen W. Weibull : ''A generalization of hamilton's rule - love thy sibling how much?,'' Journal of Theoretical Biology, doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2011.05.008. [HP]
- Andrew M. Colman, Lindsay Browning and Briony D. Pulford : ''Spontaneous similarity discrimination in the evolution of cooperation,'' Journal of Theoretical Biology, doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2011.05.022. [HP]
- Thomas W.L. Norman : ''Equilibrium selection and the dynamic evolution of preferences,'' Games and Economic Behavior, doi:10.1016/j.geb.2011.05.005. [HP]
- John Duffy, Alexander Matros and Ted Temzelides : ''Competitive behavior in market games: Evidence and theory,'' Journal of Economic Theory, doi:10.1016/j.jet.2011.05.013. [HP]
- Arne Traulsen and Floyd A. Reed : ''From genes to games: cooperation and cyclic dominance in meiotic drive,'' Journal of Theoretical Biology, doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2011.04.032. [HP]
- Partha Dasgupta : ''Dark Matters: Exploitation as Cooperation,'' Journal of Theoretical Biology, doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2011.04.020. [HP]
- Yu Wu, Mingjun Zhang, Jing Wu, Xiaopeng Zhao and Lijin Xia : ''Evolutionary game theoretic strategy for optimal drug delivery to influence selection pressure in treatment of HIV-1,'' Journal of Mathematical Biology, DOI: 10.1007/s00285-011-0422-8. [HP]
- Marc Harper : ''Escort evolutionary game theory,'' Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, doi:10.1016/j.physd.2011.04.008. [HP]
- Robert Axelrod : ''Launching “The Evolution of Cooperation”,'' Journal of Theoretical Biology, doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2011.04.015. [HP]
- Karl Sigmund : ''Moral assessment in indirect reciprocity,'' Journal of Theoretical Biology, doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2011.03.024. [HP]
- Benjamin Allen, Arne Traulsen, Corina E. Tarnita and Martin A. Nowak : ''How mutation affects evolutionary games on graphs,'' Journal of Theoretical Biology, doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2011.03.034. [HP]
- Ken Binmore and Larry Samuelson : ''Sex and evolutionary stability ,'' Journal of Theoretical Biology, doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2011.02.024. [HP]
- J. Durieu, P. Solal and O. Tercieux: ''Adaptive learning and p-best response sets ,'' International Journal of Game Theory, DOI: 10.1007/s00182-010-0266-2. [HP]
- Francisco C. Santos, Jorge M. Pacheco and Brian Skyrms: ''Co-evolution of pre-play signaling and cooperation,'' Journal of Theoretical Biology, doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2011.01.004. [HP]
- Russell Golman: ''Why learning doesn’t add up: equilibrium selection with a composition of learning rules,'' International Journal of Game Theory, DOI: 10.1007/s00182-010-0265-3 [HP]
- Thorsten Hens, Terje Lensberg, Klaus Reiner Schenk-Hoppe and Peter Wohrmann: ''An evolutionary explanation of the value premium puzzle,'' Journal of Evolutionary Economics, DOI: 10.1007/s00191-010-0213-1 [HP]
- Dale O. Stahl: ''Cooperation in the sporadically repeated prisoners’ dilemma via reputation mechanisms,'' Journal of Evolutionary Economics, DOI: 10.1007/s00191-010-0204-2. [HP]
- Constanza Fosco, Friederike Mengel: ''Cooperation through imitation and exclusion in networks,'' Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, doi:10.1016/j.jedc.2010.12.002 [HP]
- Lang Cao, Hisashi Ohtsuki, Bing Wang and Kazuyuki Aihara: ''Evolution of cooperation on adaptively weighted networks,'' Journal of Theoretical Biology, doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2010.12.008. [HP]
- Ruben J. Requejoa and Juan Camacho: ''Evolution of cooperation mediated by limiting resources: Connecting resource based models and evolutionary game theory,'' Journal of Theoretical Biology, doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2010.12.005. [HP]
- Werner Guth, Loreto Llorente Erviti and Anthony Ziegelmeyer: ''Asymmetric information without common priors: an indirect evolutionary analysis of quantity competition,'' Journal of Evolutionary Economics, DOI: 10.1007/s00191-010-0205-1. [HP]
- Hui Zhang, Meng Gao and Zizhen Li: ''The ambivalent effect of lattice structure on a spatial game,'' Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, doi:10.1016/j.physa.2010.11.032. [HP]
- Takuya Sekiguchi and Mayuko Nakamaru: ''How inconsistency between attitude and behavior persists through cultural transmission,'' Journal of Theoretical Biology, doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2010.11.044. [HP]
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- Geoffrey M. Hodgson and Kainan Huang: ''Evolutionary game theory and evolutionary economics: are they different species?,'' Journal of Evolutionary Economics, DOI: 10.1007/s00191-010-0203-3. [HP]
- Werner Guth, Loreto Llorente Erviti and Anthony Ziegelmeyer: ''Asymmetric information without common priors: an indirect evolutionary analysis of quantity competition,'' Journal of Evolutionary Economics, DOI: 10.1007/s00191-010-0201-5. [HP]
- Susanne Buchner, Werner Guth and Luis M. Miller: ''Individually selecting among conventions - an evolutionary and experimental analysis,'' Journal of Evolutionary Economics, DOI: 10.1007/s00191-010-0197-x. [HP]
- Tomohiko Konno: ''A condition for cooperation in a game on complex networks,'' Journal of Theoretical Biology, doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2010.10.033. [HP]
- Marco Archetti: ''Contract theory for the evolution of cooperation: The right incentives attract the right partner,'' Journal of Theoretical Biology, doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2010.10.025. [HP]
- Carlos Grilo and Luis Correia : ''Effects of asynchronism on evolutionary games,'' Journal of Theoretical Biology, doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2010.10.022. [HP]
- Christoph Kuzmics: ''On the elimination of dominated strategies in stochastic models of evolution with large populations,'' Games and Economic Behavior, doi:10.1016/j.geb.2010.10.002. [HP]
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- Tobias Galla: ''Imitation, internal absorption and the reversal of local drift in stochastic evolutionary games,'' Journal of Theoretical Biology, doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2010.09.035. [HP]
- Peter A. I. Forsyth and Christoph Hauert: ''Public goods games with reward in finite populations,'' Journal of Mathematical Biology, DOI: 10.1007/s00285-010-0363-7. [HP]
- Run-Ran Liua, Chun-Xiao Jia, and Bing-Hong Wang: ''Heritability promotes cooperation in spatial public goods games,'' Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, doi:10.1016/j.physa.2010.08.043. [HP]
- Ulrich Berger: ''Learning to cooperate via indirect reciprocity,'' Games and Economic Behavior, doi:10.1016/j.geb.2010.08.009. [HP]
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- Jianlei Zhang, Chunyan Zhang and Tianguang Chu : ''Cooperation enhanced by the ‘survival of the fittest’ rule in prisoner's dilemma games on complex networks,'' Journal of Theoretical Biology, doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2010.08.011. [HP]
- Hauert, Christoph : ''Replicator dynamics of reward & reputation in public goods games,'' Journal of Theoretical Biology, doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2010.08.009. [HP]
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- Mostafa Salehi, Hamid R. Rabiee, and Mahdi Jalili : ''Motif structure and cooperation in real-world complex networks,'' Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, doi:10.1016/j.physa.2010.08.001. [HP]
- Ying-Ting Lin, Han-Xin Yang, Zhi-Xi Wu and Bing-Hong Wang : ''Promotion of cooperation by aspiration-induced migration,'' Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, doi:10.1016/j.physa.2010.07.034. [HP]
- Segismundo S. Izquierdo, Luis R. Izquierdo, and Fernando Vega-Redondo : ''The option to leave: Conditional dissociation in the evolution of cooperation,'' Journal of Theoretical Biology, doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2010.07.039. [HP]
- Tadeusz Platkowski : ''Cooperation in two-person evolutionary games with complex personality profiles,'' Journal of Theoretical Biology, doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2010.07.018. [HP]
- Feng Fu, Martin A. Nowak and Christoph Hauert: ''Invasion and expansion of cooperators in lattice populations: Prisoner's dilemma vs. snowdrift games,'' Journal of Theoretical Biology, doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2010.06.042. [HP]
- Haifeng Zhang, Michael Small, Hanxin Yang and Binghong Wang: ''Adjusting learning motivation to promote cooperation,'' Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, doi:10.1016/j.physa.2010.06.023. [HP]
- Matthias Hanauske, Jennifer Kunz, Steffen Bernius and Wolfgang Konigc: ''Doves and hawks in economics revisited An evolutionary quantum game theory-based analysis of financial crises,'' Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, doi:10.1016/j.physa.2010.06.007 [HP]
- Jianlei Zhang, Xiaojie Chen, Chunyan Zhang, Long Wang and Tianguang Chu: ''Elimination mechanism promotes cooperation in coevolutionary prisoner’s dilemma games,'' Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, doi:10.1016/j.physa.2010.06.005. [HP]
Marcelo Alves Pereira and Alexandre Souto Martinez :
''Pavlovian Prisoner's Dilemma - analytical results, the quasi-regular phase and spatio-temporal patterns,''
Journal of Theoretical Biology,
Akio Iwagamia and Naoki Masuda :
''Upstream reciprocity in heterogeneous networks,''
Journal of Theoretical Biology,
Manuela A.D. Aguiar and Sofia B.S.D. Castro :
''Chaotic switching in a two-person game,''
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena,
Jose Apesteguia, Steffen Huck, Jorg Oechssler and Simon Weidenholzer :
''Imitation and the evolution of Walrasian behavior: Theoretically fragile but behaviorally robust,''
Journal of Economic Theory,
Jia Gao, Zhi Li, Te Wu and Long Wang :
''Diversity of contribution promotes cooperation in public goods games
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,
Jun Tanimoto :
''Effect of assortativity by degree on emerging cooperation in a 2×2 dilemma game played on an evolutionary network,''
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,
Da Zhou, Bin Wu and Hao Ge :
''Evolutionary stability and quasi-stationary strategy in stochastic evolutionary game dynamics,''
Journal of Theoretical Biology,
Shun Kurokawa, Joe Yuichiro Wakano and Yasuo Ihara :
''Generous cooperators can outperform non-generous cooperators when replacing a population of defectors,''
Theoretical Population Biology,
Matthijs van Veelen, Julian Garcia and Leticia Aviles :
''It takes grouping and cooperation to get sociality,''
Journal of Theoretical Biology,
Zhuo Chen, Jianxi Gao, Yunze Cai and Xiaoming Xu :
''Evolutionary prisoner's dilemma game in flocks,''
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,
Erwin Frey :
''Evolutionary game theory: Theoretical concepts and applications to microbial communities,''
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,
G.A. Parker, S. Immler, S. Pitnick and T.R. Birkhead :
''Sperm competition games: Sperm size (mass) and number under raffle and displacement, and the evolution of P2,''
Journal of Theoretical Biology,
Yongkui Liu, Zhi Li, Xiaojie Chen and Long Wang :
''Memory-based prisoner’s dilemma on square lattices,''
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,
Alejandro Rosas :
''Evolutionary game theory meets social science: Is there a unifying rule for human cooperation?,''
Journal of Theoretical Biology,
A. Nemetha and K. Takacs :
''The paradox of cooperation benefits,''
Journal of Theoretical Biology,
Jun Tanimoto and Atsuo Yamauchi :
''Does “game participation cost” affect the advantage of heterogeneous networks for evolving cooperation?,''
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,
Masanori Takezawa and Michael E. Price :
''Revisiting “The evolution of reciprocity in sizable groups”: Continuous reciprocity in the repeated N-person prisoner's dilemma,''
Journal of Theoretical Biology,
Zhaojin Xu, Zhen Wang and Lianzhong Zhang :
''Bounded rationality in volunteering public goods games,''
Journal of Theoretical Biology,
S. Hummert, C. Hummert, A. Schroter, B. Hube and S. Schuster :
''Game theoretical modelling of survival strategies of Candida albicans inside macrophages,''
Journal of Theoretical Biology,
Hisashi Ohtsuki :
''Stochastic evolutionary dynamics of bimatrix games,''
Journal of Theoretical Biology,
Mauro Mobilia :
''Oscillatory dynamics in rock-paper-scissors games with mutations,''
Journal of Theoretical Biology,
Shimpei Koike, Mayuko Nakamaru and Masahiro Tsujimoto :
''Evolution of cooperation in rotating indivisible goods game,''
Journal of Theoretical Biology,
Fei Ding, Yun Liu, Bo Shen and Xia-Meng Si :
''An evolutionary game theory model of binary opinion formation,''
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,
Min Lin, Nan Li, Liang Tian and Da-Ning Shi :
''Spatial evolutionary game with bond dilution,''
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,
Xian-Bin Cao, Wen-Bo Dua and Zhi-Hai Rong :
''Evolutionary public goods game on scale-free networks with heterogeneous investment,''
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,
Yaron Azrieli :
''Categorization And Correlation In A Random-Matching Game,''
Journal of Mathematical Economics,
Zhiwei Cui and Jian Zhai :
''Escape dynamics and equilibria selection by iterative cycle decomposition,''
Journal of Mathematical Economics,
Satoshi Uchida, and Karl Sigmund :
''The competition of assessment rules for indirect reciprocity,''
Journal of Theoretical Biology,
Haifeng Zhang, Hanxin Yang, Wenbo Du, Binghong Wang and Xianbin Cao :
''Evolutionary public goods games on scale-free networks with unequal payoff allocation mechanism,''
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,
Xianyu Bo :
''Other-regarding preference and the evolutionary prisoner’s dilemma on complex networks,''
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,
Bo Xianyu and Jianmei Yang :
''Evolutionary ultimatum game on complex networks under incomplete information,''
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,
M. Ji, C. Xu, Da-Fang Zheng and P.M. Hui :
''Enhanced cooperation and harmonious population in an evolutionary N-person snowdrift game,''
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,
Yixiao Li, Xiaogang Jin, Xianchuang Su, Fansheng Kong and Chengbin Peng :
''Cooperation and charity in spatial public goods game under different strategy update rules,''
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,
Ei Tsukamoto and Susumu Shirayama :
''Influence of the variance of degree distributions on the evolution of cooperation in complex networks,''
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,
Takashi Uehara and Yoh Iwasa :
''Global mutations and local mutations have very different effects on evolution, illustrated by mixed strategies of asymmetric binary games,''
Journal of Theoretical Biology,
Fabio A.C.C. Chalub and Max O. Souza :
''From discrete to continuous evolution models: A unifying approach to drift-diffusion and replicator dynamics,''
Theoretical Population Biology,
Ross Cressman and Jozsef Garay:
''A predator-prey refuge system: Evolutionary stability in ecological systems,''
Theoretical Population Biology,
Kevin R. Abbott:
''Background evolution in camouflage systems: A predator-prey/pollinator-flower game,''
Journal of Theoretical Biology,
Jing Wang, Xiaojie Chen and Long Wang:
''Effects of migration on the evolutionary game dynamics in finite populations with community structures ,''
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,
Wen-Bo Du, Xian-Bin Cao and Mao-Bin Hu:
''The effect of asymmetric payoff mechanism on evolutionary networked prisoner’s dilemma game,''
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,
Carlos Alos-Ferrer and Nick Netzer:
''The logit-response dynamics,''
Games and Economic Behavior,
Murat Alanyali :
''A Note on Adjusted Replicator Dynamics in Iterated Games,''
Journal of Mathematical Economics,
Hannelore De Silva, Christoph Hauert, Arne Traulsen and Karl Sigmund :
''Freedom, enforcement, and the social dilemma of strong altruism,''
Journal of Evolutionary Economics,
Y.C. Ni, C. Xu, P.M. Hui and N.F. Johnson :
''Cooperative behavior in evolutionary snowdrift game with bounded rationality,''
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,
Thierry Vignolo :
''Imitation and selective matching in reputational games,''
Journal of Evolutionary Economics,
Chongmin Kim and Kam-Chau Wong :
''Long-run equilibria with dominated strategies,''
Games and Economic Behavior,
Wolfram Elsner :
''The process and a simple logic of ‘meso’. Emergence and the co-evolution of institutions and group size,''
Journal of Evolutionary Economics,
Corina E. Tarnita, Tibor Antal and Martin A. Nowak :
''Mutation-selection equilibrium in games with mixed strategies,''
Journal of Theoretical Biology,
Dong-Mei Shi, Han-Xin Yang, Mao-Bin Hu, Wen-Bo Du, Bing-Hong Wanga and Xian-Bin Cao :
''Preferential selection promotes cooperation in a spatial public goods game,''
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,
Wen-Bo Du, Xian-Bin Cao, Lin Zhao and Mao-Bin Hu :
''Evolutionary games on scale free networks with a preferential selection mechanism,''
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,
Max O. Souza, Jorge M. Pacheco and Francisco C. Santos :
''Evolution of cooperation under N-person snowdrift games,''
Journal of Theoretical Biology,
Karolina Safarzynska and Jeroen C. J. M. van den Bergh :
''Evolutionary models in economics: a survey of methods and building blocks,''
Journal of Evolutionary Economics,
Joost C.M. Uitdehaag :
''The dependency game: Multiperson reciprocal sharing leads to stable cooperation which can evolve into group formation,''
Journal of Theoretical Biology,
Krzysztof Mogielskia and Tadeusz Patkowski :
''A mechanism of dynamical interactions for two-person social dilemmas ,''
Journal of Theoretical Biology,
Yasunori Ohtsuka and Yukihiko Toquenag :
''The patch distributed producer-scrounger game,''
Journal of Theoretical Biology,
Jeremy Kendal, Luc-Alain Giraldeau and Kevin Laland :
''The evolution of social learning rules: Payoff-biased and frequency-dependent biased transmission,''
Journal of Theoretical Biology,
Kulakowski, Krzysztof and Gawronski, Przemyslaw :
''To cooperate or to defect? Altruism and reputation,''
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,
Matthijs van Veelen :
''Group selection, kin selection, altruism and cooperation: When inclusive fitness is right and when it can be wrong,''
Journal of Theoretical Biology,
Ezoe, Hideo :
''Dual lattice model of the evolution of facultative symbiosis with continuous Prisoner's Dilemma game,''
Journal of Theoretical Biology,
Qian, Xiaolan and Yanga, Junzhong:
''The evolution of cooperation on structured population,''
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,
Qian, Xiaolan and Yang, Junzhong:
''Evolutionary game in a structured population: Theory and application,''
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,
Gokhale, Chaitanya, Iwasa, Yoh, Nowak, Martin A. and Traulsen, Arne :
''The pace of evolution across fitness valleys,''
Journal of Theoretical Biology,
Stark, Oded and Behrens, Doris A. :
''An evolutionary edge of knowing less (or: On the ‘curse’ of global information) ,''
Journal of Evolutionary Economics,
Corina E., Tarnita , Hisashi, Ohtsuki , Tibor, Antal , Feng, Fu ,
Martin A., Nowak:
''Strategy selection in structured populations,''
Journal of Theoretical Biology,
Florian, Herold , Christoph, Kuzmics :
''Evolutionary stability of discrimination under observability,''
Games and Economic Behavior,
Arapaki, Eleni :
''Uncertainty of cooperation in random scale-free networks,''
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,
Yang, Dong-Ping, Shuai, J.W., Lin, Hai and Wu, Chen-Xu :
''Individual’s strategy characterized by local topology conditions in prisoner’s dilemma on scale-free networks ,''
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,
Moyanoa, Luis G. and Sanchez, Angel :
''Evolving learning rules and emergence of cooperation in spatial Prisoner's Dilemma ,''
Journal of Theoretical Biology,
Karev, Georgiy P. :
''On mathematical theory of selection: continuous time population dynamics,''
Journal of Mathematical Biology,
Golman, Russell and Page, Scott E. :
''Basins of attraction and equilibrium selection under different learning rules,''
Journal of Evolutionary Economics,
Hashimoto, Koh and Aihara, Kazuyuki :
''Fixation probabilities in evolutionary game dynamics with a two-strategy game in finite diploid populations,''
Journal of Theoretical Biology,
Du,Wen-Bo, Cao, Xian-Bin, Hu, Mao-Bin, Yang, Han-Xin and Zhou, Hong :
''Effects of expectation and noise on evolutionary games,''
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,
Lipowski, Adam, Gontarek, Krzysztof and Ausloos, Marcel :
''Statistical mechanics approach to a reinforcement learning model with memory,''
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,
Bergin, James and Bernhardt, Dan :
''Cooperation through imitation,''
Games and Economic Behavior,
Roberto da Silva, Gustavo A. Kellermann, and Luis C. Lamb :
''Statistical fluctuations in population bargaining in the ultimatum game: Static and evolutionary aspects,''
Journal of Theoretical Biology,
Young, H. Peyton :
''John Nash and evolutionary game theory,''
Games and Economic Behavior,
Engelmann, Dirk and Fischbacher, Urs :
''Indirect reciprocity and strategic reputation building in an experimental helping game,''
Games and Economic Behavior,
Casey G. Rothschild :
''The evolution of reciprocity in sizable human groups,''
Journal of Theoretical Biology,
Benno Woelfing and Arne Traulsen :
''Stochastic sampling of interaction partners versus deterministic payoff assignment,''
Journal of Theoretical Biology,
Istvan Scheuring :
''Evolution of generous cooperative norms by cultural group selection,''
Journal of Theoretical Biology,
Drew Fudenberg and Satoru Takahashi :
''Heterogeneous beliefs and local information in stochastic fictitious play,''
Games and Economic Behavior,
Ross Cressman :
''Continuously stable strategies, neighborhood superiority and two-player games with continuous strategy space,''
International Journal of Game Theory,
Shapiro, Dmitry :
''Evolution of Heterogeneous Beliefs, Asset Overvaluation,''
Journal of Mathematical Economics,
Benaima, Michel, Hofbauer, Josef and Hopkins, Ed :
''Learning in Games with Unstable Equilibria,''
Journal of Economic Theory,
Apaloo, J. :
''Evolutionary matrix games and optimization theory,''
Journal of Theoretical Biology,
- Friedman, Daniel and Singha, Nirvikar : ''Equilibrium Vengeance,'' Games and Economic Behavior, doi:10.1016/j.geb.2008.10.006. [HP]
Return to Top
H. Peyton Young :
''Commentary: John Nash and evolutionary game theory,''
Games and Economic Behavior,
Volume 71, Issue 1, January 2011, Pages 12-13.
(Special Issue In Honor of John Nash )
Samuel Rota Bulo, Immanuel M. Bomze :
''Infection and immunization: A new class of evolutionary game dynamics,''
Games and Economic Behavior,
Volume 71, Issue 1, January 2011, Pages 193-211.
(Special Issue In Honor of John Nash )
Naoki Masuda and Mitsuhiro Nakamura :
''Numerical analysis of a reinforcement learning model with the dynamic aspiration level in the iterated Prisoner's dilemma,''
Journal of Theoretical Biology,
Volume 278, Issue 1, 7 June 2011, Pages 55-62 .
Ryota Iijima:
''Heterogeneous information lags and evolutionary stability,''
Mathematical Social Sciences,
Volume 61, Issue 2, March 2011, Pages 83-85 .
Dominic D. P. Johnson and James H. Fowler:
''The evolution of overconfidence,''
477, 317-320 (15 September 2011) doi:10.1038/nature10384.
Jun Zhang, Wei-Ye Wang, Wen-Bo Du, and Xian-Bin Cao:
''Evolution of cooperation among mobile agents with heterogenous view radii,''
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,
Volume 390, Issue 12, 15 June 2011, Pages 2251-2257.
- Jun Zhang, Yi-Ping Fang, Wen-Bo Du, and Xian-Bin Cao: ''Promotion of cooperation in aspiration-based spatial prisoner’s dilemma game,'' Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Volume 390, Issue 12, 15 June 2011, Pages 2258-2266. [HP]
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- Alger, Ingela; Weibull, Jorgen W.: ''Kinship, Incentives, and Evolution,'' The American Economic Review, Volume 100, Number 4, September 2010 , pp. 1725-1758(34). [HP]
Manuela A.D. Aguiar and Sofia B.S.D. Castro:
''Chaotic switching in a two-person game,''
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena,
Volume 239, Issue 16, 15 August 2010, Pages 1598-1609.
- 阿部高樹, 川上敏和 (2010) : 「制度経済学の様相と諸側面」 商学論集, 第78巻第4号 (2010年3月), pp.3-32. [PDF]
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Netzer, Nick (2009) :
''Evolution of Time Preferences and Attitudes toward Risk,''
The American Economic Review,
Volume 99, Number 3, June 2009 , pp. 937-955(19).
Robson, Arthur J.; Samuelson, Larry (2009) :
''The Evolution of Time Preference with Aggregate Uncertainty,''
The American Economic Review,
Volume 99, Number 5, December 2009 , pp. 1925-1953(29).
Noailly, Joelle, van den Bergh, Jeroen C. J. M. and
Withagen, Cees A. (2009) :
''Local and global interactions in an evolutionary resource game,''
Computational Economics,
Volume 33, Number 2 / 2009年3月, pp.155-173.
David P. Myatt, Chris Wallace (2009) :
''Evolution, Teamwork and Collective Action: Production Targets in the Private Provision of Public Goods,''
The Economic Journal,
Volume 119, Issue 534, pages 61-90, January 2009
Yamamori, Tetsuo :
''Evolutionary Drift in Preference and Equilibrium Selection,''
Japanese Economic Review,
Vol. 60, No.3, September 2009, pp.362-375.
Hofbauer, Josef and Sandholm, William H. :
''Stable games and their dynamics,''
Journal of Economic Theory,
Volume 144, Issue 4, July 2009, Pages 1665-1693.e4.
Tackseung Jun and Rajiv Sethi (2009):
''Reciprocity in evolving social networks,''
Journal of Evolutionary Economics,
Volume 19, Number 3, 379-396.
Domenico Menicucci and Pier Luigi Sacco (2009) :
''Evolutionary Selection of Socially Sensitive Preferences in Random Matching Environments,''
The Journal of Mathematical Sociology,
Volume 33, Issue 4 October 2009 , pages 241 - 276.
Casey G. Rothschild :
''The evolution of reciprocity in sizable human groups ,''
Journal of Theoretical Biology,
Volume 257, Issue 4, 21 April 2009, Pages 609-617.
Mariko Kimura and Yasuo Ihara :
''Replicator-dynamics models of sexual conflict,''
Journal of Theoretical Biology,
Volume 260, Issue 1, 7 September 2009, Pages 90-97.
Hisashi Ohtsuki, Yoh Iwasa & Martin A. Nowak (2009) :
''Indirect reciprocity provides only a narrow margin of efficiency for costly punishment,''
457(1 January 2009), pp.79-82.
Van Segbroeck, S., Santos, F.C., Pachecho, J.M., Lenaerts, T. (2009) :
''Reacting differently to adverse ties promotes cooperation in social networks,''
Phys. Rev. Lett.,
102, 058105.
Shun Kurokawa and Yasuo Ihara (2009) :
''Emergence of cooperation in public goods games,''
Proceedings of the Royal Society B,,
7 April 2009 Vol. 276 no. 1660 1379-1384.
Wakano, Joe Yuichiro, Nowak, Martin A. and Hauert, Christoph (2009) :
''Spatial dynamics of ecological public goods,''
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,
May 12, 2009 vol. 106, no. 19 7910-7914.
Mitsuru Kikkawa (2009) :
''Statistical Mechanics of Games ― Evolutionary Game Theory ―,''
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement,
No. 179 (2009), pp.216-226.
Alja Ule, Arthur Schram, Arno Riedl, Timothy N. Cason (2009) :
''Indirect Punishment and Generosity Toward Strangers,''
Vol. 326. no. 5960 (18 December 2009), pp. 1701-1704.
Diekmann O. and van Gils S. A. (2009) :
''On the cyclic replicator equation and the dynamics of semelparous populations,''
SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst.,
Vol. 8, pp. 1160-1189.
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Van Segbroeck, S., Santos, F.C., Pachecho, J.M., Lenaerts, T. (2008):
'The evolution of prompt reaction to adverse ties,''
BMC Evolutionary Biology,
Volume 8, p. 287.
Horiuchi, Shiro (2008):
''High population density promotes the evolution of ownership,''
Ecological Research,
Volume 23, Number 3 / 2008年5月, 551-556.
David P. Myatt, and Chris Wallace (2008):
''An evolutionary analysis of the volunteer's dilemma,''
Games and Economic Behavior,
Volume 62, Issue 1, January 2008, Pages 67-76
Christina Pawlowitsch (2008):
''Why evolution does not always lead to an optimal signaling system,''
Games and Economic Behavior,
Volume 63, Issue 1, May 2008, Pages 203-226.
K. Etessami and A. Lochbihler (2008):
''The computational complexity of evolutionarily stable strategies,''
International Journal of Game Theory,
Volume 37, Number 1 / 2008年4月, pp. 93-113.
William A. Branch and Bruce McGough (2008):
''Replicator dynamics in a Cobweb model with rationally heterogeneous expectations,''
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization,
Volume 65, Issue 2, February 2008, Pages 224-244
Noailly, Joelle (2008):
''Coevolution of economic and ecological systems,''
Journal of Evolutionary Economics,
Volume 18, Number 1 / 2008年2月, pp. 1-29.
Philipp Langer, Martin A. Nowak and Christoph Hauert (2008):
''Spatial invasion of cooperation,''
Journal of Theoretical Biology,
Volume 250, Issue 4, 21 February 2008, Pages 634-641.
Jorge M. Pacheco, Arne Traulsen, Hisashi Ohtsuki and Martin A. Nowak (2008):
''Repeated games and direct reciprocity under active linking,''
Journal of Theoretical Biology,
Volume 250, Issue 4, 21 February 2008, Pages 723-731.
Cuesta, J.A.,Jimenez, R.,Lugo,H.,Sanchez, A. (2008):
''The shared reward dilemma,''
Journal of Theoretical Biology,
Volume 251, Issue 2, 21 March 2008, Pages 253-263.
Jacek Miekisz (2008):
''Evolutionary Game Theory and Population Dynamics,''
Multiscale Problems in the Life Sciences,
Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 2008,
Volume 1940/2008, 269-316.
Anna Dreber, David G. Rand, Drew Fudenberg & Martin A. Nowak (2008):
''Winers don’t punish,''
Vol.452(20 March 2008), 348-351.
David P. Myatt and Chris Wallace (2008):
''When Does One Bad Apple Spoil the Barrel? An Evolutionary Analysis of Collective Action,''
Review of Economic Studies,
Volume 75, Issue 2, pages 499-527, April 2008.
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Brian J. McGill , Joel S. Brown (2007):
''Evolutionary Game Theory and Adaptive Dynamics of Continuous Traits,''
Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics,
Vol. 38, pp. 403-435.
J. Tanimoto, and H. Sagara (2007):
''A study on emergence of alternating recirocity in a 2 × 2 game with 2-length memory strategy,''
Volume 90, Issue 3, November-December 2007, Pages 728-737.
Noailly, Joelle, Withagen, Cees A. and van den Bergh, Jeroen C. J. M. (2007):
''Spatial Evolution of Social Norms in a Common-Pool Resource Game,''
Environmental and Resource Economics,
Volume 36, Number 1 / 2007年1月, 113-141
Sandholm, William H. (2007):
''Simple formulas for stationary distributions and stochastically stable states,''
Games and Economic Behavior,
Volume 59, Issue 1, April 2007, Pages 154-162.
Yannick Viossat (2007):
''The replicator dynamics does not lead to correlated equilibria,''
Games and Economic Behavior,
Volume 59, Issue 2, May 2007, Pages 397-407.
Hanazono, Makoto (2007):
''Mimicking the Winner Leads to War: An Evolutionary Analysis of Conflict and Cooperation,''
Japanese Economic Review,
Vol. 58(3), pp. 417-422.
Jean-Michel Lasry and Pierre-Louis Lions :
''Mean field games,''
Japanese Journal of Mathematics,
Volume 2, Number 1 / 2007年3月, 229-260[HP],[Preprint]
Jun, Tackseung and Sethi, Rajiv (2007):
''Neighborhood structure and the evolution of cooperation,''
Journal of Evolutionary Economics,
Volume 17, Number 5 / 2007年10月, pp. 623-646.
Hofbauer, Josef and Sandholm, William H. (2007):
''Evolution in games with randomly disturbed payoffs,''
Journal of Economic Theory,
Volume 132, Issue 1, January 2007, Pages 47-69.
Sandholm, William H. (2007):
''Pigouvian pricing and stochastic evolutionary implementation,''
Journal of Economic Theory,
Volume 132, Issue 1, January 2007, Pages 367-382.
Dieter Balkenborg and Karl H. Schlag (2007):
''On the evolutionary selection of sets of Nash equilibria,''
Journal of Economic Theory,
Volume 133, Issue 1, March 2007, Pages 295-315.
Sandholm, William H. (2007):
''Evolution in Bayesian games II: Stability of purified equilibria,''
Journal of Economic Theory,
Volume 136, Issue 1, September 2007, Pages 641-667.
Siegfried K. Berninghaus, Christian Korth and Stefan Napel (2007):
''Reciprocity-an indirect evolutionary analysis,''
Journal of Evolutionary Economics,
Volume 17, Number 5, 579-603.
Arne Traulsen Martin A. Nowak and Jorge M. Pacheco (2007):
''Stochastic payoff evaluation increases the temperature of selection,''
Journal of Theoretical Biology,
Volume 244, Issue 2, 21 January 2007, Pages 349-356.
Arne Traulsen, Jorge M. Pacheco and Martin A. Nowak (2007):
''Pairwise comparison and selection temperature in evolutionary game dynamics,''
Journal of Theoretical Biology,
Volume 246, Issue 3, 7 June 2007, Pages 522-529.
Hisashi Ohtsuki, Jorge M. Pacheco and Martin A. Nowak (2007):
''Evolutionary graph theory: Breaking the symmetry between interaction and replacement,''
Journal of Theoretical Biology,
Volume 246, Issue 4, 21 June 2007, Pages 681-694.
Wakano, Joe Yuichiro (2007):
''Evolution of cooperation in spatial public goods games with common resource dynamics,''
Journal of Theoretical Biology,
Volume 247, Issue 4, 21 August 2007, Pages 616-622.
Hisashi Ohtsuki, Pedro Bordalo and Martin A. Nowak (2007):
''The one-third law of evolutionary dynamics,''
Journal of Theoretical Biology,
Volume 249, Issue 2, 21 November 2007, Pages 289-295.
Poncela, J., Gomes-Gardenes, Floria, L.M., Sanchez, A., Moreno, Y. (2007):
''Robustness of cooperation in the evolutionary prisoner's dilemma on complex networks,''
New Journal of Physics,
Volume 9, (2007) 184.
Szaboa, Gyorgy and Fathb, Gabor (2007):
''Evolutionary games on graphs,''
Physics Reports,
Vol.446, pp.97-216.
Jun Tanimoto (2007):
''Dilemma solving by the coevolution of networks and strategy in a 2×2 game,''
Phys. Rev. E,
Vol. 76, 021126 (2007).
Hisashi Ohtsuki, Martin A. Nowak and Jorge M. Pacheco (2007):
''Breaking the Symmetry between Interaction and Replacement in Evolutionary Dynamics on Graphs,''
Phys. Rev. Lett.,
Vol.98, 108106 (2007).
Eddie Dekel, Jeffrey C. Ely and Okan Yilankaya (2007):
''Evolution of preferences,''
Review of Economic Studies,
Volume 74 Issue 3, Pages 685 - 704.
Nakahashi, Wataru (2007):
''The evolution of conformist transmission in social learning when the environment changes periodically,''
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Jorge M. Pacheco, Arne Traulsen and Martin A. Nowak (2006):
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John Maynard Smith Memorial Issue
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Vincent P. Crawford (1995) :
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Stephen Morris, Rafael Rob and Hyun Song Shin (1995) :
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Klaus Ritzberger and Jorgen W. Weibull (1995):
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Alvin E. Roth and Ido Erev (1995):
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Binmore Kenneth G., Samuelson Larry and Vaughan Richard (1995) :
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Volume 11, Issue 1, October 1995, Pages 1-35.
Sigmund, Karl and Young, H. Peyton (1995):
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Volume 11, Issue 2, November 1995, Pages 103-110.
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Volume 11, Issue 2, November 1995, Pages 173-192.
Cressman, Ross (1995):
''Evolutionary Game Theory with Two Groups of Individuals,''
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Volume 11, Issue 2, November 1995, Pages 237-253.
Gaunersdorfer Andrea and Hofbauer Josef (1995):
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Volume 11, Issue 2, November 1995, Pages 279-303.
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Volume 11, Issue 2, November 1995, Pages 364-390.
Vega-Redondo Fernando (1995) :
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Martin A. Nowak, Karl Sigmund and Esam El-Sedy (1995):
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Patrick Grim (1995):
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W. G. S. Hines (1994) :
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W. G. S. Hines (1994) :
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''Evolution of Time Preference by Natural Selection,''
The American Economic Review,
Vol. 84, No. 3 (Jun., 1994), pp. 460-481.
Waldman, Michael (1994) :
''Systematic Errors and the Theory of Natural Selection,''
The American Economic Review,
Vol. 84, No. 3 (Jun., 1994), pp. 482-497.
Linster, Bruce G. (1994) :
''Stochastic Evolutionary Dynamics in the Repeated Prisoners' Dilemma,''
Economic Inquiry,
Volume 32 Issue 2, Pages 342 - 357.
Van Damme, Eric (1994) :
''Evolutionary game theory,''
European Economic Review,
Volume 38, Issues 3-4, April 1994, Pages 847-858.
Binmore, Ken and Samuelson, Larry (1994):
European Economic Review,
Volume 38, Issues 3-4, April 1994, Pages 859-867.
Weibull, Jorgen W. (1994):
''The ‘as if’ approach to game theory: Three positive results and four obstacles,''
European Economic Review,
Volume 38, Issues 3-4, April 1994, Pages 868-881.
Yoh Iwasa and Patsy Haccou (1994):
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Evolutionary Ecology,
Volume 8, Number 5 / 1994年9月, 503-523.
Boylan, Richard T. (1994):
''Evolutionary Equilibria Resistant to Mutation,''
Games and Economic Behavior,
Volume 7, Issue 1, July 1994, Pages 10-34.
Nowak, Martin A. , Bonhoeffer, Sebastian and May, Robert M. (1994) :
''More spatial games,''
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos,
Vol. 4, Issue 1 (February 1994), Page 33 - 56.
Samuelson, Larry (1994):
''Stochastic Stability in Games with Alternative Best Replies,''
Journal of Economic Theory,,
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Binmore, Ken and Samuelson, Larry (1994):
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M. Broom, C. Cannings and G. T. Vickers (1994):
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Journal of Mathematical Biology,
Volume 32, Number 6 / 1994年1月, 597-615.
Lorberbaum, Jeffrey (1994):
''No strategy is evolutionarily stable in the repeated Prisoner's Dilemma,''
Journal of Theoretical Biology,
Volume 168, Issue 2, 21 May 1994, Pages 117-130.
Martin A. Nowak and Karl Sigmund (1994):
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Journal of Theoretical Biology,
Volume 168, Issue 2, 21 May 1994, Pages 219-226.
Andreas V. M. Herz (1994):
''Collective phenomena in spatially extended evolutionary games,''
Journal of Theoretical Biology,
Volume 169, Issue 1, 7 July 1994, Pages 65-87.
Werner Guth and Hartmut Kliemt (1994):
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Kristian Lindgren and Mats G. Nordahl (1994) :
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Volume 75, Issues 1-3, 1 August 1994, Pages 292-309.
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Bergstrom, Theodore C. and Stark, Oded (1993):
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Peter Kollock (1993):
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Vol. 58, No. 6 (Dec., 1993), pp. 768-786.
Kandori, Michihiro, George J. Mailath and Rafael Rob (1993):
''Learning, Mutation, and Long Run Equilibria in Games,''
Vol. 61, No. 1 (Jan., 1993), pp. 29-56.
H. Peyton Young (1993):
''The Evolution of Conventions,''
Vol. 61, No. 1 (Jan., 1993), pp. 57-84.
Carlsson,Hans and van Damme, Eric (1993) :
''Global Games and Equilibrium Selection,''
Vol. 61, No. 5 (Sep., 1993), pp. 989-1018.
Glenn Ellison (1993) :
''Learning, Local Interaction, and Coordination,''
Vol. 61, No. 5, (Sep., 1993), pp. 1047-1071.
Joel Sobel :
''Evolutionary stability and efficiency,''
Economics Letters,
Volume 42, Issues 2-3, 1993, Pages 301-312.
Fudenberg Drew and Kreps David M. :
''Learning mixed equilibria,''
Games and Economic Behavior,
Volume 5, Issue 3, July 1993, Pages 320-367.
Noldeke Georg and Samuelson Larry (1993):
''An EvolutionaryA nalysis of Backwarda nd Forward Induction,''
Games and Economic Behavior,
Volume 5, Issue 3, July 1993, Pages 425-454.
Swinkels Jeroen M. (1993) :
''Adjustment dynamics and rational play in games,''
Games and Economic Behavior,
Volume 5, Issue 3, July 1993, Pages 455-484.
Warneryd, Karl (1993) :
''Cheap Talk, Coordination, and Evolutionary Stability,''
Games and Economic Behavior,
Volume 5, Issue 4, October 1993, Pages 532-546.
Blume Andreas, Kim Yong-Gwan and Sobel Joel 1993:
''Evolutionary Stability in Games of Communication,''
Games and Economic Behavior,
Volume 5, Issue 4, October 1993, Pages 547-575.
Stahl Dale O. :
''Evolution of Smart n Players,''
Games and Economic Behavior
Volume 5, Issue 4, October 1993, Pages 604-617.
Vega-Redondo Fernando :
''Competition and Culture in an Evolutionary Process of Equilibrium Selection: A Simple Example,''
Games and Economic Behavior,
Volume 5, Issue 4, October 1993, Pages 618-631.
Nowak, Martin A. and May, Robert M. (1993) :
''The spatial dilemmas of evolution,''
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos,
Vol 3 Issue 1 (February 1993), Pages 35 - 78.
Bendor, Jonathan (1993) :
''Uncertainty and the evolution of cooperation,''
The Journal of Conflict Resolution,
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''An Evolutionary Model of Bargaining,''
Journal of Economic Theory,
Volume 59, Issue 1, February 1993, Pages 145-168.
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Volume 60, Number 1, July 1993, Pages 67-83.
Peck, Joel R. (1993) :
''Friendship and the evolution of cooperation,''
Journal of Theoretical Biology,
Volume 162, Issue 2, 21 May 1993, Pages 195-228.
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Bomze, Immanuel M. and van Damme, Eric C. (1992):
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Volume 37, Number 1 / 1992年12月, pp.229-244.
Linster, Bruce G. (1992):
''Stochastic Evolutionary Dynamics in the Repeated Prisoners' Dilemma,''
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J.S. Brown and T.L. Vincent (1992):
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Peleg, B. and Shmida, A.:
''Short-rune stable matchings between bees and flowers,''
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Volume 4, Issue 2, April 1992, Pages 232-251.
Nachbar, John H. (1992) :
''Evolution in the finitely repeated prisoner's dilemma,''
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization,
Volume 19, Issue 3, December 1992, Pages 307-326.
Binmore, Ken and Samuelson, Larry (1992):
''Evolutionary Stability in Games Played by Finite Automata,''
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Volume 57, Issue 2, August 1992, Pages 278-305.
Swinkels, Jeroen M. (1992) :
''Evolutionary stability with equilibrium entrants,''
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Volume 57, Issue 2, August 1992, Pages 306-332.
Swinkels, Jeroen M. (1992) :
''Evolution and Strategic Stability: From Maynard Smith to Kohlberg and Mertens,,''
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Volume 57, Issue 2, August 1992, Pages 333-342.
Samuelson,Larry and Jianbo Zhang (1992):
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Eddie Dekel and Suzanne Scotchmer :
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Freddy Bugge Christiansen (1991):
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Miller, John H. and Andreoni, James (1991)
''Can evolutionary dynamics explain free riding in experiments,''
Economics Letters,
Volume 36, Issue 1, May 1991, Pages 9-15.
Kaushik Basu and Jorgen W. Weibull (1991)
''Strategy subsets closed under rational behavior,''
Economics Letters,
Volume 36, Issue 2, June 1991, Pages 141-146.
Warneryd, Karl (1991) :
''Evolutionary stability in unanimity games with cheap talk,''
Economics Letters,
Volume 36, Issue 4, August 1991, Pages 375-378.
Reinhard Selten (1991) :
''Evolution, learning, and economic behavior,''
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Volume 3, Issue 1, February 1991, Pages 3-24.
Crawford, Vincent P. (1991) :
''An “evolutionary” interpretation of Van Huyck, Battalio, and Beil's experimental results on coordination,''
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Volume 3, Issue 1, February 1991, Pages 25-59.
Myerson, Roger, Gregory Pollock and Jeroen Swinkels (1991) :
''Viscous Population Equilibria,''
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Volume 3, Issue 1, February 1991, Pages 101-109.
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Volume 3, Issue 1, February 1991, Pages 110-128.
Young, H. Peyton and Foster, Dean (1991) :
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Volume 3, Issue 1, February 1991, Pages 145-156.
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Nowak, Martin A. and Sigmund, Karl (1990):
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Journal of Theoretical Biology,
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Michael L. Rosenzweig, Joel S. Brown and Thomas L. Vincent (1987):
''Red Queens and ESS: The coevolution of evolutionary rates,''
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Volume 1, Number 1 / 1987年1月, pp. 59-94.
J. -P. Benoit and V. Krishna:
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International Journal of Game Theory,
Volume 16, Number 3 / 1987年9月, 197-204.
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''A permanence theorem for replicator and Lotka-Volterra systems,''
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Robert Boyd and Jeffrey P. Lorberbaum :
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Joel S. Brown and Thomas L. Vincent (1987) :
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Theoretical Population Biology,
Volume 31, Issue 1, February 1987, Pages 140-166.
W.G.S. Hines (1987) :
''Evolutionary Stable Strategies: A review of basic theory,''
Theoretical Population Biology,
Volume 31, Issue 2, April 1987, Pages 195-272.
Karl Sigmund (1987) :
''Game dynamics, mixed strategies, and gradient systems,''
Theoretical Population Biology,
Volume 32, Issue 1, August 1987, Pages 114-126.
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Axelrod, Robert (1986) :
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Immanuel M. Bomze, 1986 :
''Non-cooperative, two-person games in biology: a classification,''
International Journal of Game Theory,
Volume 15, Number 1 / 1986年3月, pp.31-57.
M. C. Blad :
''A Dynamic Analysis of the Repeated Prisoner's Dilemma Game,''
International Journal of Game Theory,
Volume 15, Number 2 / 1986年6月, pp.83-99.
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Jean-Pierre Benoit and Vijay Krishna :
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Volume 19, Issue 2, 1985, Pages 133-135.
W. G. S. Hines and John Haigh (1985):
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Journal of Applied Probability,
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Vincent P. Crawford (1985):
''Learning behavior and mixed-strategy Nash equilibria,''
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Thomas, Bernhard (1985) :
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Volume 22, Number 1 / 1985年6月, 105-115.
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Volume 46, Number 4 / 1985年8月, 605-612.
Milgrom, Paul and Weber, R.:
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Ellner, Stephen (1985a):
''ESS germination strategies in randomly varying environments. I. Logistic-type models,''
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Volume 28, Issue 1, August 1985, Pages 50-79.
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Wallace J. Dominey (1984):
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''A relation between perfect equilibria in extensive form games and proper equilibria in normal form games,''
International Journal of Game Theory,
Volume 13, Number 1 / 1984年3月, 1-13.
R. Cressman, W. G. S. Hines (1984) :
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W. G. S. Hines, D. T. Bishop (1984) :
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Journal of Applied Probability,
Vol. 21, No. 2 (Jun., 1984), pp. 215-224.
Ethan Akin and Viktor Losert :
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Volume 20, Number 3 / 1984年10月, pp.231-258.
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''Evolutionary stable strategies and game dynamics for n-person games,''
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Thomas, Bernhard (1984) :
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Riechert, S. E.. and Hammerstein, P. 1983:
''Game theory in the ecological context,''
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Vol. 14, pp. 377-409.
W. G. S. Hines and D. T. Bishop (1983):
''Evolutionarily Stable Strategies in Diploid Populations with General Inheritance Patterns,''
Journal of Applied Probability,
Vol. 20, No. 2 (Jun., 1983), pp. 395-399.
W. G. S. Hines and D. T. Bishop (1983):
''On Learning and the Evolutionarily Stable Strategy On Learning and the Evolutionarily Stable Strategy,''
Journal of Applied Probability,
Vol. 20, No. 3 (Sep., 1983), pp. 689-695
Drew Fudenberg, David Levine (1983):
''Subgame-perfect equilibria of finite- and infinite-horizon games,''
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Volume 31, Issue 2, December 1983, Pages 251-268
I. Eshel and E. Akin:
''Co-evolutionary instability of mixed Nash solutions,''
Journal of Mathematical Biology,
Vol. 18 (1983), pp. 123-133.
V. Losert and E. Akin:
''Dynamics of games and genes: Discrete versus continuous time,''
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Volume 17, Number 2, 1983年6月,241-251
Schuster, Peter, and Karl Sigmund (1983):
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Aumann, R.J., Katznelson, Y., Radner, R., Rosenthal, R., Weiss, B., 1983.:
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E. Akin (1982) :
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W. G. S. Hines (1982) :
''Mutations, Perturbations and Evolutionarily Stable Strategies,''
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Arneodo, A., Coullet, P., Peyraud, J. and Tresser, C. (1982) :
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Joel S. Brown, Michael J. Sanderson and Richard E. Michod (1982) :
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Volume 99, Issue 2, 21 November 1982, Pages 319-339.
Ilan Eshel (1982) :
''Evolutionarily stable strategies and viability selection in Mendelian populations,''
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Volume 22, Issue 2, October 1982, Pages 204-217.
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Schuster, Peter and Sigmund, Karl (1981):
''Coyness, Philandering and Stable Strategies,''
Animal Behavior,
Vol. 29, pp. 186-192
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''Will a sexual population evolve to an ESS?,''
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Vol. 117, pp. 1015-1018.
Hammerstein, Peter (1981) :
''The role of asymmetries in animal contests,''
Animal Behaviour,
Volume 29, Issue 1, February 1981, Pages 193-205.
Peter Schuster, Karl Sigmund, Josef Hofbauer, Ramon Gottlieb and Philip Merz 1981:
''Selfregulation of behaviour in animal societies
III. Games between two populations with selfinteraction,''
Biological Cybernetics,
Volume 40, Number 1 / 1981年2月, pp. 9-15.
W. G. S. Hines (1981):
''Multi-Species Population Models and Evolutionarily Stable Strategies,''
Journal of Applied Probability,
Vol. 18, No. 2 (Jun., 1981), pp. 507-513.
E.C. Zeeman (1981):
''Dynamics of the evolution of animal conflicts,''
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Volume 89, Issue 2, 21 March 1981, Pages 249-270.
Calvin B. Harley (1981):
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Hines, W. G. S. (1980):
''Three Characterizations of Population Strategy Stability,''
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Vol. 17, No. 2 (Jun., 1980), pp. 333-340
Andris Abakuks (1980):
''Conditions for evolutionarily stable strategies,''
Journal of Applied Probability,
Vol. 17, No. 2 (Jun., 1980), pp. 559-562.
Hines, W. G. S. (1980):
''Strategy stability in complex populations,''
Journal of Applied Probability,
Vol. 17, No. 3 (Sep., 1980), pp. 600-610.
Radner, R:
''Collusive behaviour in noncooperative epsilon-equilibria of oligopolies with long but finite lives,''
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22(2)(1980), 136-154.
Hugh N. Comins, William D. Hamilton and Robert M. May. (1980):
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Journal of Theoretical Biology,
Volume 82, Issue 2, 21 January 1980, Pages 205-230.
John G. Riley (1980) :
''Strong evolutionary equilibrium and the war of attrition,''
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Volume 82, Issue 3, 7 February 1980, Pages 383-400.
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Grafen, Alan 1979 :
''The hawk-dove game played between relatives,''
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Vol. 27, No.3, pp.905-907.
Taylor, Peter D. (1979) :
''Evolutionarily Stable Strategies with Two Types of Player,''
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Vol. 16, No. 1 (Mar., 1979), pp. 76-83.
John G. Riley (1979) :
''Evolutionary Equilibrium Strategies,''
Journal of Theoretical Biology,
Volume 76 (1979), Issue 2, 21 January 1979, Pages 109-123.
H.J. Brockmann, A. Grafen and R. Dawkins (1979) :
''Evolutionarily stable nesting strategy in a digger wasp,''
Journal of Theoretical Biology,
Volume 77 (1979), pp. 473-496.
W. G. S. Hines and J. Maynard Smith (1979) :
''Games between relatives,''
Journal of Theoretical Biology,
Volume 79, Issue 1, 7 July 1979, Pages 19-30.
Hofbauer, J., P.Schuster, and K.Sigmund (1979) :
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Myerson, R.B. (1978):
''Refinements of the Nash equilibrium concept,''
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Volume 7, Number 2 / 1978年6月, pp. 73-80.
W.G.S. Hines (1978):
''A generalized war of attrition,''
Journal of Theoretical Biology,
Volume 70, Issue 1, 7 January 1978, Pages 85-124.
D.T. Bishop, C. Cannings and J. Maynard Smith (1978):
''The war of attrition with random rewards,''
Journal of Theoretical Biology,
Volume 74, Issue 3, 7 October 1978, Pages 377-388.
Peter D Taylor, Leo B. Jonker :
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Haigh, J. 1975 :
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John C. Harsanyi: :
''Games with Randomly Distributed Payoffs: A New Rationale for Mixed-Strategy Equilibrium Points,''
International Journal of Game Theory,
Vol.2, pp.1-23.
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