【解説】【R for MetaTrader : 7bit】, 【とあるMetaTraderの備忘秘録】 R for MetaTrader : MT4からフリーの統計解析ソフト「R」を呼び出す拡張機能DLLを用いたインディケーター。 【R for MetaTrader : 7bit】のサイトから
mt4R.mqh -> include フォルダ
mt4R.dll -> libraries フォルダ
MQL4 -> R-Project - Interface Library
Synthetic hedges, cointegration, mean reversion and similar stuff
// mt4r.mq4 // #property indicator_chart_window #property indicator_buffers 1 #property indicator_color1 Red #property indicator_width1 2 #include <mt4R.mqh> extern int order = 200; extern int back = 500; extern int ahead = 20; int R; double buf_prediction[]; int init(){ SetIndexBuffer(0, buf_prediction); SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_LINE); SetIndexShift(0, ahead); R = RInit("C:\Program Files\R\R-2.10.0\bin\Rterm.exe --no-save", 2); Comment("history: " + back + " bars, method: OLS, order: " + order); } int deinit(){ RDeinit(R); } int start(){ double hist[]; double pred[]; int i; if (RIsBusy(R)){ // last RExecuteAsync() is still not finished, do nothing. return(0); } if (RGetInteger(R, "as.integer(exists('model'))") == 1){ // there exists a model (the variable is set). // This means a previously started RExecuteAsync() has finished. // we can now predict from this model and plot it. RAssignInteger(R, "ahead", ahead); RExecute(R, "pred <- predict(model, n.ahead=ahead)$pred"); ArrayResize(pred, ahead); RGetVector(R, "rev(pred)", pred, ahead); for (i=0; i<ahead; i++){ buf_prediction[i] = pred[i]; } } // make a (new) prediction // move some history over to R ArrayResize(hist, back); for (i=0; i<back; i++){ hist[i] = Close[i]; } RAssignVector(R, "hist", hist, ArraySize(hist)); RExecute(R, "hist <- rev(hist)"); // crunch the numbers in the background and return from the start() function // RIsBusy() in the next ticks will tell us when it is finished. RAssignInteger(R, "ord", order); RExecuteAsync(R, "model <- ar(hist, aic=FALSE, order=ord, method='ols')"); return(0); }

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